Identifying and Supporting Autistic Individuals Presented by Jessica Mertins, LICSW Price: $45 This presentation is approved for 3 hours of clinical content. Description of Presentation: This course is presented from a neurodiversity affirming lens, by a clinician with lived experience as a neurodivegent person. The purpose of this course is to increase understanding of ADHD and Autism, including how to better identify, intervene, and provide accommodations for both. Participants will have a better understanding of why neurodiversity affirming care is important, how to use neurodiversity affirming language and interventions, how to identify ADHD and Autism more effectively in clients, and how to best accommodate neurodivergent staff and clients. Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the purpose and importance of using neurodiversity affirming language. 2. List at least 2 common myths about ADHD and autism and how they impact accurate identification of ADHD and autism. 3. List at least 3 accommodations that can help support ADHD and/or autistic individuals.
Content Learning Level: Learning Level | Level 2/intermediate: Material builds on existing knowledge and goes well beyond basics. Audience should have some background knowledge of topic. | Audience | Everyone | Ages Addressed | Youth through adulthood |
About the Presenter: Jessica Mertins, LICSW, has a masters of social work from the University of St. Thomas/Saint Catherine University and is currently an outpatient therapist, licensure supervisor, and Neurodiversity Specialist at Fernbrook Family Center. She trains from a perspective that blends her lived experience as a neurodivergent person, her professional experience, and her research and learning from other lived experience educators.